The COVID-19 Wallet — A privacy preserving approach to sharing COVID-19 test results.

7 min readApr 20, 2020

The problem:

The COVID-19 crisis will subside and millions of individuals will need to get back to normal life.

The only way to ensure that the pandemic is contained is by increased testing and verification of the population. Therefore, individuals must have the ability to share the results of their COVID-19 test with unrelated parties via proper consent and in a secure manner.

The discussions around a COVID-19 certificate grows louder, as economies around the world remain in turmoil, due to the inability to re-open and define the new normal until testing and reporting can be performed.

We foresee the rapid deployment and adoption of a COVID-19 “passport” that enables the mobility of citizens.

A key problem is the deployment of new tools and process that are individual centric, within a complex supply chain, composed of multiple silos, compliance requirements and inflexible processes designed to protect the current status.

The key questions are— How do you provide such personal information in a way that; easily integrates to already established processes ? preserves the individual’s privacy? And can be trusted by the other party ?




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